多字段查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select id,name,birth from student; 所有字段查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student; where指定查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where id=901; mysql> select * from student where id>=904; mysql> select name from student where department='计算机系'; in指定集合查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where birth in(1988,1990); mysql> select * from student where id in(903,906); not in非范围查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where birth not in(1990,1998); between and指定范围查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where birth between 1986 and 1988; not between and不在指定范围的查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where id not between 904 and 906; like字符串匹配查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where name like '_三'; mysql> select * from student where name like '张三'; mysql> select * from student where name like '张%'; not like不匹配查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where name not like '张%'; null查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where address is null; and多条件查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where name like '张%' and birth>1985; mysql> select * from student where name like '张%' and birth>1985 and id like '%3'; or多条件查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where id=905 or birth=1988; mysql> select * from student where id=905 or birth=1988 or sex='女'; distinct查询结果不重复 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select distinct sex from student; mysql> select distinct department from student; order by查询结果排序 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student order by birth; mysql> select * from student order by birth asc; mysql> select * from student order by birth desc; group by分组查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select sex,group_concat(name) from student group by sex; mysql> select sex,count(name) from student group by sex; 正则表达式查询 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student where birth regexp '1988|1990'; limit限制查询结果数量 复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下: mysql> select * from student limit 2; mysql> select * from student limit 1,3;