复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,insert into Table1(Name,des,num) values ('ltp','thisisbest',10); select @@identity as 'Id',复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select name,Sex=(case Sex when '1' then '男' when '0' then '女' end) from Tablename,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select a,b,c from Table1 where a IN (select a from Table2),复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select a.title,a.username,b.adddate from tablename a,(select max(adddate) adddate from tablename whe,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,SQL Server:Select Top 10 * From Tablename Order By NewID() Access:Select Top 10 * From Tablename Ord,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select UserID from Accounts_Users where UserName is not null group by UserID having count (*)>1,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,SELECT CategoryName,ProductName FROM Categories LEFT JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Produc,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select * from UserValue where UserID between 2 and 5;,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,Select * from TabSchedule where datediff(minute,getdate(),开始时间)<5,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,SELECT DAY(DATEADD(dd, -DAY('2008-02-13'),DATEADD(mm, 1, '2008-02-13'))) AS 'DayNumber',复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,Select * From TableName Order By CustomerName Collate Chinese_PRC_Stroke_ci_as,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,1.select * from tablename where column1 like '[A-M]%' 这样可以选择出column 字段中首字母在A-M 之间的记录 2.select * from,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select * into b from a where 1<>1 或 select top 0 * into [b] from [a],复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,insert into b(Name,des,num) select Name,des,num from Table1;
复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:
create table tb(id int,constraint pkid primary key (id))
create table tb(id int primary key )
复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:
create table tb(id int identity(1,1),constraint pkid primary key (id))
create table tb(id int identity(1,1) primary key )
复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:
alter table tb alter column id int not null
alter table tb add constraint pkid primary key (id)
复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:
Declare @Pk varChar(100);
Select @Pk=Name from sysobjects where Parent_Obj=OBJECT_ID('tb') and xtype='PK';
if @Pk is not null
exec('Alter table tb Drop ' @Pk)