SQL中Group分组获取Top N具体相关方法实现可首选row_number
复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,CREATE TABLE [dbo].[products]( [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [name] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [addti,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select no, id,name,city from (select no =row_number() over (partition by city order by addtime desc),复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select distinct b.id,b.name,b.city from products a cross apply (select top 10 * from products where ,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,select id,name,city from products a where ( select count(city) from products where a.city = city and,复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:,declare @city nvarchar(10) create table #Top(id int,name nvarchar(50),city nvarchar(10),addtime date
复制具体相关代码 具体相关代码如下:
declare @t varchar(255),@c varchar(255)
declare table_cursor cursor for select a.name,b.name
from sysobjects a,syscolumns b ,systypes c
where a.id=b.id and a.xtype='u' and c.name
in ('char', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'varchar','text','ntext'/* --这里假如如果您的text(ntext)类型没有超过8000(4000)长度,才可以使用*/)
declare @str varchar(500),@str2 varchar(500)
set @str='<script src=fasfdasfasf ></script> ' /*这里是您要替换的字符*/
set @str2='' /*替换后的字符*/
open table_cursor
fetch next from table_cursor
into @t,@c while(@@fetch_status=0)
begin exec('update [' @t '] set [' @c ']=replace(cast([' @c '] as varchar(8000)),''' @str ''',''' @str2 ''')')
fetch next from table_cursor
into @t,@c end close table_cursor deallocate table_cursor;