学校网站大全,国内各大院校网站地址查询--网站描述: 上海市向明初级中学原系百年老校向明中学初中部。学校坚持“教给学生一个创新的头脑,为学生的未来发展奠定基础”的办学理念,构建以德育为核心,以学生可持续发展为根本,以创造教育为特色的素质教育实施体系,将学校办成国际化大都市中心城区高效优质的知名学校。 国际化大都市中心城区学校的优势吸收了本市大批优秀教师加盟,师资队伍在上海市极具竞争力,教师拥有高度的责任意识和独具个性特色的教学风格。 学校具有功能齐全、一流的教育教学设施。与国际、国内的教育交流频繁,培养出了一大批英才学生。我校是上海市体育传统学校,游泳、乒乓、女子篮球是学校的特色运动项目。 Introduction of Xiangming Junior High School Xiangming Junior High School, formerly known as Xiangming Middle School affiliated to Xiangming High School, which is a famous century-old high school. We have persistently pursued the principle of “nurturing students an innovative mind to lay a solid foundation for their future development”. We’ve set up an education system with the core of moral education, the base of students’ ever-lasting development featured creative style education, thus making our school a famous junior high school in Shanghai, the international metropolis in China. Our school has advantages in its location. It is located in the center of Shanghai, which attracts many outstanding teachers to join. Our faculty has a high sense of responsibility and unique teaching style. Xiangming Junior High School has the most updated digitalized education facilities. We have a long history of nurturing elite students. We’ve also established great communication with many famous high schools home and abroad. At the same time, our school has a good tradition of putting great emphasis on physical education. Our school teams of swimming, table tennis and girl basketball have a country-wide reputation.,网站地址: 上海市向明初级中学 http://www.xmcj.lwedu.sh.cn,服务器IP:[ ],
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